Silas L'Hommedieu - SILA2
Silas L'Hommedieu - SILA2
African descent
Jackie Dinan
Enslaver or Household
Ezra L'Hommedieu
Southold Town Records 3: 43–45 (manumission).
Salmon Records: 74 [duplicate of the same death entered in the church register book].
Original Southold parish register accessed at under the collection entitled, U.S., Presbyterian Church Records, 1701–1970> New York>Southold>First Presbyterian Church>Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths>1749-1832>image 250/340 [death].
Wills of Ezra L'Hommedieu at New York University Fales Special Collections>Sylvestor Manor Archive>L'Hommedieu Family>Series B/Ezra L'Hommedieu>Box 16>Folder 3.
Salmon Records: 74 [duplicate of the same death entered in the church register book].
Original Southold parish register accessed at under the collection entitled, U.S., Presbyterian Church Records, 1701–1970> New York>Southold>First Presbyterian Church>Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths>1749-1832>image 250/340 [death].
Wills of Ezra L'Hommedieu at New York University Fales Special Collections>Sylvestor Manor Archive>L'Hommedieu Family>Series B/Ezra L'Hommedieu>Box 16>Folder 3.
Birth Date
1776, calculated from his reported age (28) at the time of his manumission.
Death Date
August 29, 1810
Misc. Date
December 25, 1804 (manumission approved by the overseers of the poor). January 30, 1805 (manumission certificate registered in town record book).
Biographical Notes
Ezra L'Hommedieu included Silas in two versions of his will. the first dated December 28, 1789: "To Nicoll Floyd the service of my negro boy Silas until he arrives at the age of 22 years at which time he be freed adn that in the meantime he be learnt to read...."
The second in an updated will (which revoked the first), dated 1810 [month and day left blank]: "I give and bequeath unto Silas a negro man whom I have lately manumitted the sum of $250..."
The second in an updated will (which revoked the first), dated 1810 [month and day left blank]: "I give and bequeath unto Silas a negro man whom I have lately manumitted the sum of $250..."
“Silas L'Hommedieu - SILA2,” Plain Sight Project, accessed February 23, 2025,