Jane or Jenny Reeve - JANE4


Jane or Jenny Reeve - JANE4


Negro slave


Jackie Dinan



Location or Address


Enslaver or Household

Widow Elizabeth Reeve


Southold Town Records Volume 3: 85-7.
Suffolk County Surrogate Court Will Liber D: 263-265 (transcription by Jackie Dinan).
Death notice listed in the Cleveland Supplement "R", Long Island Traveler, December 18, 1879, page 3. M=Mattituck.

Male or Female


Biographical Text

In the name of God amen. I, Elizabeth Reeve of the Parish of Cutchogue in the township of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New York, widow, calling to mind the uncertainty of life and knowing that I must die, do now while in the possession of usual health of body and mind in order to prevent surprise make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that to say after my just debts, funeral charges, and all necessary expenses are paid and satisfied as hereinafter mentioned, I give to my two negroes Limus and Jenny liberty and freedom here by declaring them from and after my decease liberated manumitted and set free.

Item I give and devise unto my said negro man Limus and negro woman Jenny one acre of land lying at a place called shell bank in the parish aforesaid with the privileges and appurtenances there to belonging to hold to them the said Limus and Jenny as tenants in common of equal parts unto their heirs and assigns forever.

Item I give and bequeath unto the said Limus and Jenny one hundred and forty dollars contained in and secured by a certain note from Josiah Albertson to me which monies when obtained is to be divided equally between them. I also give them one cow, the beds, beding [sic], household furniture and whatever else is commonly denominated theirs as belonging to either of them also six chairs, my newest looking glass, one fire shovel, a pair of tongs, one Iron pot tea kettle, tea kettle and my best dining table.

Item I give and bequeath unto my niece Olive Terry one feather bed, curtains, and quilt of like cloth.
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my nephew Thomas Wickham all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever to hold to him the said Thomas Wickham, his heirs, and assigns forever, he paying my Just debts and other necessary charges and Expenses.

Lastly, I nominate constitute and appoint the said Thomas Wickham in conjunction with Hull Osborn Executors of this my last will and testament and I authorize and empower my said executors and at their discretion to pay….

[Dated 25 June 1812; proved 22 March 1820. Witnesses: Samuel Griffing, John Wells, Hull Osborn]

Birth Date

1785, calculated from her reported age (28 years) at the time of her manumission; concurred by reported age (54 years) at death.

Death Date

April 30, 1839

Misc. Date

April 17, 1813 (manumission certificate approved by overseers of the poor). April 19, 1813 (manumission certificate recorded in town record book by town clerk).

Biographical Notes

"Jayne Reeves" can be found in the 1830 Federal census living on her own in Southold. She was between the age of 36-54.


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“Jane or Jenny Reeve - JANE4,” Plain Sight Project, accessed October 22, 2024, https://plainsightproject.org/items/show/1679.